At the start of the year, I mentioned that one of my big hopes for 2011 was to begin to heal my body. I thought I would share some of what that process looks like for me.
I have wanted to do a deep cleanse for a while now, but, since I was nursing, it wasn't really an option. After Thea weaned, I began looking at different cleansing methods. Initially, I had planned to follow the plan in this book. I was drawn to it because it allows you to eat a solid meal each day (many others prescribe just having various liquids - juices, smoothies, lemon juice & maple syrup, etc.) My husband will verify that I am not the most pleasant person to be around when I am hungry. So, this plan seemed more gentle, yet effective.
But as I read and reasearched, I learned that a cleanse is generally not recommended for someone with signs of adrenal fatigue, as your body may not be able to sufficiently detoxify, making you sicker. So, back to research I went and ended up starting the plan outlined in this book - a gradual and gentle six-week plan.
The biggest changes I have made are dietary. I eliminated wheat, dairy, and added sugars, and greatly reduced my intake of caffiene (though I don't drink coffee, I was drinking a lot of black tea). My diet is vegan and primarly fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains - mostly brown rice, quinoa, and gluten-free oats. I have been eating about 20+ servings of fruits and vegetables a day, and I started having a smoothie for breakfast and for an afternoon snack (I {heart} my vita-mix. Big thanks to my neighbor for telling me that you can get a reconditioned one for much cheaper). Honestly, this didn't feel all that drastic to me, since, because of Thea's food allergies, I have been on a restriced diet of one kind or another for quite some time. It's been almost 2 weeks, and I already feel so much better. And I've lost a little bit of weight, which is an added (and needed!) bonus.
I have also been doing quite a bit of research on how dietary changes can improve my muscular condition. I have not noticed much (if any) improvement resulting from my current diet, but I am really paying attention to how certain foods affect me. I'm going to continue to make gradual changes in this area.
I'm also going to be adding in more exercise, but really, I've found that if I try to do everything at once, I'm setting myself up for not following through. I will admit that our poor dog has been neglected, as I have been battling one virus after another since just after Christmas. But I am feeling better, and we're back on the daily walks.
So, that's where I am right now on this path of healing. This is where a good bit of my time and energy is being spent, so I wanted to document it here. I hope it wasn't a total bore!