our first harvest of radishes
For the past several weeks, we've been collecting our garden's first offerings: radishes, kale, and chard.
Thea and I have developed quite a fondness for green smoothies, and the best ones are made with kale harvested from our own back yard.
Here's the basic recipe:
1 banana
1 cup peaches (I often use frozen organic peach slices)
~8 leaves red russian kale
1/2 cup vanilla almond milk (if needed, add more)
1/3 cup peach juice
3 TBS vanilla goat yogurt
I like tasting the kale (and so does Thea!), but using less kale and/or additional fruit will reduce the earthy flavor. I've got my finger's crossed that Thea is starting to outgrow her food allergies, and I'm hoping that we'll soon be able to experiment with adding other fruits.
For a weekly peek at our harvest, and to see how it stacks up against two other rva back yard gardens, head on over to the garden wars at rvanews.