I have mentioned before how I continue to be amazed by the incredible people with whom I am lucky to share a hometown. There is so much inspiration, innovation, creativity, and kindness - so much goodness - right here in Richmond, Virginia.
Two of these amazing souls are Patience Salgado (who was recently featured in O magazine for her kindness work) and Suzanne Vinson. I could go on and on about each of them, but if you take a moment to visit their own sites, their words, images, and creativity - their spirits - will speak for themselves.
Today, I want to tell you about a project they've been working on, and offer up a bit of goodness straight from their hearts, minds, and hands.
Patience often speaks of how the words "kindness changes everything" guide her through her days. She has initiated and actualized countless acts of kindness - both big and small - that have touched almost everyone I know.
Recently, Patience and Suzanne collaborated to create the beautiful stickers you see above. Their purpose, of course, is to spread goodness and beauty wherever they might land - with the gentle & lovely reminder of the power of kindness.
(see Suzanne's post on the project here and Patience's post here).
They offered these stickers for sale with all proceeds going to fill the SoulSisters Kindness Jar for future kindness missions (to date, Patience has funded all of these missions from her own pocket & through donations of time and resources from other good-hearted people).
All of the stickers sold out almost immediately, but I was lucky enough to get my hands on a few of the very last bundles.
I just love the idea of these stickers making their way out into the world. So, I'm offering three bundles of these stickers (each pack contains five stickers).
To enter the giveaway, please leave a comment on this post with your name & a way for me to contact you and tell me a way that kindness has touched your life.
I'll leave the comments open until next Friday, May 18, 2012 at 9 pm EST.
Happy Friday!